For Essence

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Indra Silar


Horses and your essence

I was in a struggle to get my health back together when I met Fabienne and her horses for the first time.

I had no expectations or worries. I only knew that Fabienne called out for people who had been sick for a while to meet her and her horses. I love animals of all kind so it was an idea that I liked to try. Being an animal lover I had not expected to feel so much fear when I met the horses. And there it was my first session was all about my fears in creating boundaries.

The horses caught me off guard right into my heart and reflected my behavior. 

Somehow it was much easier for me to understand it, by directly experiencing it with the horses and Fabienne at my side. She stood by me and I felt her support although she simply created the space for things to unfold and happen. She had a deep sense of calm around her that made me feel secure while going through this experience.


"Health issues, traumas, behavior patterns got resolved that no longer served me, by me simply seeing the deeper truth behind it."


The first session was over before I knew it and I had a profound sense that something shifted in me. I could not talk or explain it. I was very quiet afterwards. 

After more sessions everything started to unfold for me. Creating healthy boundaries, following my own rhythm and making clear decisions. Staying focused on me and not getting off the track.

And finally accepting that I can take step by step towards my direction in life. I don't need to run, overcompensate or get over exhausted.


"My life has changed for the better. I bless her and the horses every day."


The horses had a profound sense to connect to the essence, and with it came my own shift into my essence in life. Health issues, traumas, behavior patterns got resolved that no longer served me, by me simply seeing the deeper truth behind it. The horses did not judge.

Fabienne in her essence is no different to her horses. She sees, but does not judge. She reflects, but does not push. She has a deep sense of connection to working with horses and builds a bridge, so that others like me can dare to connect, learn and transform.

My life has changed for the better. I bless her and the horses every day.


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